What Businesses Need to Know about Upgrading to Windows 11

What Businesses Need to Know about Upgrading to Windows 11

Microsoft recently released the newest version of its flagship operating system software. Here is what you need to know about Windows 11 to make an informed decision about when to upgrade the computers in your business. Although “Brings…
Website Security: HTTPA over HTTPS

Website Security: HTTPA over HTTPS

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is quickly becoming a more popular internet protocol than HTTP for website and application connections. While HTTPS is fast and secure, it must execute code in a trusted execution environment (TEE). Intel…
Beware of QR Code Scams

Beware of QR Code Scams

Businesses use Quick Response (QR) codes to provide a variety of services for their customers, such as locating apps for ordering a product and tracking shipments. They aren’t human readable, which allows scammers to easily embed malicious…