WFH is here to stay Are you ready?

WFH is here to stay Are you ready?

WFH is here to stay. Are you ready?The year 2020 was nothing like what we had seen before. At a certain point in time, it felt like the world would come to a standstill. With lockdowns and travel restrictions imposed across the world, businesses…
Data security in the ‘Work-from-home’ environment

Data security in the ‘Work-from-home’ environment

Data security in the ‘Work-from-home’ environment2020 threw a lot of challenges at the world. One of them, from the business perspective, that overshadowed the others was cybersecurity. How to ensure data safety and security in an environment…
How the cloud is a solid survival tool for your business during a crisis

How the cloud is a solid survival tool for your business during a crisis

How the cloud is a solid survival tool for your business during a crisisOne thing the Coronavirus pandemic taught businesses is the fact that it is important to move with the times and adopt and adapt to the latest technology. While you don’t…