Multi-factor Authentication Demystified

Multi-factor Authentication Demystified

You have probably come across the term multi-factor authentication of late. It is an IT buzzword today and is fast becoming one of the best practices of cybersecurity. So, what is multi-factor authentication, exactly? Read this blog to find…
4 Lesser-known benefits of hiring an MSP

4 Lesser-known benefits of hiring an MSP

You are probably aware of the most common benefits of signing up with an MSP such as On-demand IT support: Having an MSP ensures that you get priority IT support when you need it. Scalable IT infrastructure: With an MSP by your side,…
Dark web monitoring: What you need to know

Dark web monitoring: What you need to know

The dark web is essentially a marketplace for cybercriminals. If your data has been compromised, the dark web is the place where it is traded. It could be sold by miscreants, to miscreants, who can later hack into your system or extort money…